March 19, 2013

✦✦ Etude House Etoinette Crystal Shine Lips (POR 202) Review ✦✦

I finally get to review my Etude House Etoinette Crystal Shine Lips lipstick that I bought a little while ago. I just have to say that I love this lipstick soooo freaking much. I have tried Etude House's chapsticks before but never their lipsticks.
I will be reviewing the POR 202 (Top middle right color)

(Their packaging is so cute ❤)

For some reason these lipsticks don't have names just a number. Mine is the POR202. I wish it was called strawberry orange because I think it's a pinkish/orangish color.

(I love the case, so princess like)

(Without top, shiny)


(I freaking love the engraved E)

(Without Flash)

(With Flash)
(Left side natural lip color, right side with the lipstick)

(Lipstick on)


-The color is very pretty
- Everything is very very pretty and has a dolly look (princess!)
-Etude House is a very nice quality brand
-I have received many compliments about the color and the case
-Receive a quality amount
-Don't have to apply the lipstick much to get color


- A little pricey (about $14)
- Hard to find (only online or if you can find in an Asian makeup store)
- Case gets a little messy from the lipstick
-Hard to read the lipstick because it doesn't have a name
-Color doesn't last very long


I really love this lipstick. This is one of my top favorites. I really like how it will look matte but is a little glossy too. I probably will continue to buy this and try out the other colors as well. I am always amazed at Etude House makeup because it is so cute, good quality, and not too pricey.

You can purchase this lipstick from Pretty & Cute

What do you guys think? Thanks for reading 

(Look at these cute macarons I bought ❤)


  1. The case of the lipstick is so pretty~ It looks really pretty on you.
    I like how the lipstick matches your cardigan!

    -sally ^ ^

    1. Aw thanks. I didn't even realize my cardigan match XD

  2. I've been lusting after the Etoinette collection for a while just because the packaging is too damn cute! Such a cute color!

    1. It is so freaking cute. Its gonna make me go broke :D

  3. I always love their packaging so much! It's so cute!! The color is really pretty and suits you well. I also really like your eye make up here. Looks amazing!

  4. Suuuuuper pretty! It looks very nice with your skin tone. Too bad they didn't take advantage and give it a super cute color name.

    1. I know right?? It would've been even more cute <3

  5. Beautiful colour! I love these orangy pink tones, they look so fresh ^^ Thank you for this nice review ( ^ - ^ ) Etude House is one of my favorite brands, so I'm very happy about this review. I'll definetly purchase one of these <3

    1. Yay i'm glad. I'm loving the orangey colors too :3

  6. cute !!!! : O this macarons look like so yummy ; D

  7. omg the package is really cute! i really should buy something from etude house :)
    and i like the color ♥

  8. love the packaging!

    xo Sarvin

  9. Thank you very much for this review!♥ It has been very helpful because I'm seriously considering buying this lipstick and just this color. The trouble is that I am very poor :'''<
    Hope you are having a nice day, take care!(n__n)

    1. I'm glad I helped!! Once you have the money, It will be totally worth it ♥

  10. I've been wanting to try the Etoinette line from Etude House forever! The lipstick is seriously adorable, I think I would just keep the case forever and use it as a decoration. Thanks for the review, it's nice to find more info on the Etoinette line, the color looks so sweet and dolly on you <3

  11. want to try this one! thanks <3

  12. The color is super duper pretty on you :D I desperately want to get one of these lipsticks xD Thanks for the review ^.^

