March 21, 2016

Bring on the Samples!

Hi cuties! Just posted a new video up on my youtube channel! It's a bit longer than my past videos but I basically try on some older korean products. Well, not that old but I try on those little packets of makeup samples that gets thrown at us at checkout. I found a little bag of samples while I was sorting my things in my bedroom. I hope you guys enjoy this video I made. Its a talk through try...

March 15, 2016

Blade and Soul taking over my life

Since the beginning of january I have been sucked in and on this game every single day!! No joke I'm addicted. The free mmorpg game that I am talking about is Blade and Soul! The recent english version came out uh this year? Heh not sure but Blade and Soul has been around the asian area for a few years...

February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day! + Weekend

For valentine's day my boyfriend took me out to this friggin nice restaurant! That's it ..... We celebrated on friday instead of sunday since he works valentine's day. A week before he was asking me about fondue and if I like it so through out the whole week I was thinking mhmm we going to the Melting...

February 8, 2016

Inspired Japanese "Haafu" Look

I know this topic isn't anything new but I came by some screens of it while on tumblr and it inspired me to make this look. The japanese, half american look! This look is pretty much seen in a lot of Scawaii magazine and a few times back in the old gyaru mag days like vivi. But it's seen in alot of...

January 19, 2016

Bunny 3 Color Gray

I messed up on the name in my last review post so go and check it out because I messed up the name!! Alright down to the correct lens name! Wonderfully sent by the amazing KlensPop is the Bunny 3 Color in Gray. And again this type of lens come with different variation of colors! Which I really...